
The term "mortal" has multiple meanings. It can describe someone who is susceptible to death, as opposed to being immortal. It can also describe someone who is not exalted or divine, in contrast to being a god or goddess. In this article, I will focus on the first definition: mortals as beings who are vulnerable to death.

Mortals are creatures that are born, live, and die. They are not immune to death, and no one knows when their time will come. This makes them vulnerable and uncertain. Mortals can experience great joy and happiness, but they can also suffer great pain and sadness.

Death is a part of life for mortals. It is the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. For many, death is a mystery. No one knows what happens after death. Some believe that there is an afterlife, while others believe that death is the end of existence.

Mortals are not alone in their vulnerability. All creatures are susceptible to death. Even gods and goddesses can die, though it is much more difficult for them to do so.

Despite their vulnerability, mortals are a powerful force. They are capable of great love, compassion, and heroism. They can also be destructive and violent. They are a reminder that life is fragile and short, and that every moment should be cherished.

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